Friday, August 24, 2012

Back to School Night!!!

What a fun time for me to meet all of you!  Thank you so much for everyone who came out it was really great to be able to answer any questions and share with you things to look forward to this year.  If you were unable to attend check out the PowerPoint talking about what is going on this year found on the side bar.  Also the awesome back to school video where Mr. Jameson is swimming!!! After having so much fun with everyone there where a lot of you who would like to know some things you could purchase for the classroom so here is a quick little teacher's wishlist if you may :)
Teacher's Wishlist:
-Personal pencil sharpeners to have in the students desk preferably with a catcher for shavings
-Tissue Boxes
-Hand Sanitizer
-Mechanical Pencils
-Crayola Markers
-Expo Markers
-Flair Pens
-Ziploc Bags (all sizes)
-Clorox Wipes
-Any prizes to supply to class prize bin (like small toys, trinkets)
-Any candy treats to supply to class candy jar
-electric pencil sharpener for whole class use

Thanks again for your willingness to help out with the classroom supplies it really means a lot!  Just know this is a wishlist and anything you can help with is appreciated.  :)  Can't wait to see all the students this Monday!